About the faculty
For over five decades, the Faculty of Architecture has been the premier architectural school in Belarus, providing scientific and methodological support for higher and secondary specialized architectural education throughout the country. The Belarusian architectural school's history dates back to 1946, when the Department of Architecture was established within the Faculty of Construction at the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute. In September 1952, the architectural department welcomed its first cohort of students, marking the founding date of the Belarusian architectural school under the leadership of A.P. Voinov. Officially established as a faculty in 1970, it has since been led by several esteemed deans, including A.N. Sinitsyn, I.N. Gromov, A.A. Voinov, G.V. Polyanskaya, and, since 2005, A.S. Sardarov. The faculty has trained over 4,000 architects, including approximately 600 international graduates. It employs 75 instructors, including 8 doctors and 26 candidates of architecture, and currently enrolls about 1,000 students.

Faculty of Architecture


For over 50 years, the Faculty of Architecture has been the leading architectural school in Belarus. The faculty provides scientific and methodological support for both higher and secondary specialized architectural education in the republic. The history of the Belarusian architectural school dates back to 1946, when the Department of Architecture was established at the Faculty of Construction of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute.

In September 1952, the architectural department was inaugurated within the Faculty of Construction, marking the first intake of students. This date is considered the founding date of the Belarusian architectural school, initially led by A.P. Voinov.


The Faculty of Architecture was officially established in 1970, with the following deans:
- A.N. Sinitsyn (1970-1981)
- I.N. Gromov (1981-1985)
- A.A. Voinov (1985-1995)
- G.V. Polyanskaya (1995-2004)
- A.S. Sardarov (since 2005)

The faculty comprises six departments responsible for training architects:
- Architecture of Residential and Public Buildings
- Urban Planning
- Architecture of Industrial Buildings and Architectural Structures
- Design of Architectural Environment
- Theory and History of Architecture
- Drawing, Watercolor, and Sculpture

Students are trained in the following specializations:
- Until 2023: 
  - 1-69 01 01 "Architecture" (5 years)
  - 1-69 01 02 "Architectural Design" (5 years)
- From 2023:
  - 7-07-0731-01 "Architecture" (special higher education, 6 years)
  - 7-07-0731-02 "Architectural Design" with a specialization in "Urbanism and Architectural Environment Design" (special higher education, 6 years)

Throughout its history, the Faculty of Architecture has trained over 4,000 architects, including about 600 international graduates. The faculty employs 75 instructors, including 8 doctors and 26 candidates of architecture. Currently, the faculty has about 1,000 students enrolled.

Best Graduation Projects
Diploma works
Public Buildings

Belarusian Art Center in Nesvizh
Graduate: Anna Anatolievna Andrushkevich
Supervisor: Tatyana Georgievna Goranskaya
Consultant: Alexandra Vladimirovna Mazanik


Media Center Concept within the Renovation Program for Public Libraries in Minsk

Graduate: Artur Ivanovich Andalyukevich
Supervisor: Natalya Alexandrovna Grigoryeva
Consultant: Alexandra Vladimirovna Mazanik


Prosthetic and Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center at Zaslavl Reservoir
Graduate: Elizaveta Vladimirovna Lavrinovich
Supervisor: Natalya Alexandrovna Lazovskaya
Consultant: Alexandra Vladimirovna Mazanik


Multifunctional Center for Esports Events

Graduate: Nikita Vladimirovich Derevyago
Supervisor: Oleg Alexandrovich Volovich
Consultant: Alexandra Vladimirovna Mazanik

Urban Design

Architectural Design of the Polyfunctional Complex "East-West" (Minsk)
Graduate: Bayram Durdyev
Supervisor: Anna Andreevna Litvinova
Consultant: Yuri Vladimirovich Radevski


Architectural Design of the Complex "Palace of High Technologies," Minsk

Graduate: Konstantin Olegovich Kozyrev
Supervisor: Yuri Igorevich Litvinsky
Consultant: Galina Vladimirovna Polyanskaya

Industrial Architecture

River Port Complex in Grodno

Graduate: Galina Sergeevna Lapanets
Supervisor: Olga Ivanovna Sysoeva
Consultant: Sergey Gavrilovich Pinchuk


Waste Processing Plant in Minsk

Graduate: Kirill Valeryevich Kuchinsky
Supervisor: Sergey Gavrilovich Pinchuk
Consultant: Alexander Viktorovich Shikovets

Urban Planning

Concept for the Reconstruction of Independence Avenue in Minsk

Graduate: Santiago Martin Yanzaguano Cordova
Supervisor: Valentin Valentinovich Vashkevich
Consultant: Gennady Sergeevich Pitirimov    


Residential Area in Kaliningrad

Graduate: Yuri Vladimirovich Korolev
Supervisor: Alexey Viktorovich Kostyashov
Consultant: Gennady Sergeevich Pitirimov

Master's Degree Projects
Public Buildings

Architectural and Spatial Organization of Modern Public and Business Complexes
Graduate: Yulia Igorevna Galitskaya
Supervisor: Natalya Alexandrovna Lazovskaya
Urban Planning

Architectural and Design Planning of a System of Polyfunctional Public Centers in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Graduate: Kilolo Mihalo Archimede
Supervisor: Anna Andreevna Litvinova

Prototyping Method in Urban Planning
Graduate: Alexey Valentinovich Zakharov
Supervisor: Vera Alexandrovna Sysoeva
Prasp. Niezaliežnasci 65, Minsk, Minsk Region, 220013, Republic of Belarus. Main Building (1)
Working time
пн-чт 08:15 – 17:30, пт 08:15 – 16:15 обед: 13:00 – 14:00
Faculty contacts
Hot line
+375 (17) 293-96-77
For enquiries about obtaining certificates
+375 (17) 293-96-63
On checking into the dormitory
+375 (17) 293-93-00
All contacts
17 February 2025 17:16
В БНТУ прошла презентация проектов по восстановлению памятников, посвященных Великой Отечественной войне
На выставке присутствовали проректор по идеологической и воспитательной работе Тимур Матюшинец, и. о. заведующего кафедрой «Рисунок, акварель и скульптура» Ксения Шаппо и председатель Колодищанской организации ветеранов Валерий Оловянников.
10 February 2025 7:55
БНТУ – звездный старт: Карина Шубелько
В рубрике речь идет о первокурсниках Политеха, которые смогли заявить о себе уже в первый год обучения в вузе.
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