About the faculty
Our faculty stands as a leading institution in the field of preparing professionals for all sectors of the national economy that are in one way or another connected with automotive transport. From the design and operation of transportation vehicles to the organization of infrastructure, planning, and assessing the cost and economic efficiency within the automotive transport sphere.

Automotive and Tractor Faculty

The Automotive and Tractor Faculty stands as one of the most prestigious and prominent faculties within the Belarusian National Technical University, serving as a hub for the education of specialists in the automotive and tractor industries as well as the transportation sector of the Republic of Belarus. It is also a center for the development of scientific expertise across various sectors of the national economy and the cultivation of teaching staff.

Over its 70-year history, the Faculty has continuously evolved and expanded its scope.

In its early years, the Faculty primarily trained engineers in four specialties: automotive transport, automobile engineering, tractor engineering, and agricultural mechanization.

Today, the Faculty offers education in 15 specialties for full-time students and 8 specialties for part-time students. It accommodates over 2000 students in full-time programs and more than 1800 students in part-time programs.

The Faculty comprises approximately 300 staff members, including nearly 170 academic professionals. Among them are over 20 doctors of science and professors, as well as more than 80 candidates of science and associate professors. These faculty members not only educate future automotive and tractor specialists but also conduct research closely aligned with the needs of advancing technical progress in this industry.

Graduates of the Automotive and Tractor Faculty are sought by prestigious institutions in industrial enterprises, automotive companies, design bureaus, and educational institutions not only across Belarus and Russia but also in more than 60 countries worldwide. They contribute to the development of new vehicles, specialized machinery, and equipment, as well as their maintenance and production management. They demonstrate profound expertise in their field, serve as examples in their work ethic and conduct, and contribute to the training and cultivation of technical professionals.

Vulica Jakuba Kolasa 14, Minsk, Minsk Region, 220013, Republic of Belarus
Working time
8:15 – 17:30 (Пн-Чт); 8:15 - 16:15 (Пт); Сб, Вс - выходной
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Приемная декана 293-93-72
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9 September 2024 18:00
БНТУ на Фестивале науки – 2024
В субботу, 7 сентября, в Ботаническом саду НАН Беларуси прошел Фестиваль науки – 2024, одним из участников которого был БНТУ. Рассказываем, как прошло одно из крупнейших научно-популярных событий страны.
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