Department of International Marketing of Educational Services and Work with Foreign Students

The International Marketing of Educational Services and Foreign Students Office provides the organization of the admission and training of foreign citizens in BNTU, interaction with the Office of Citizenship and Migration, as well as internal affairs bodies on the migration legislation.

The main actions have been as follows:

  • the organization and conduction of advertising companies;
  • the preparation of the information and advertising materials;
  • the interaction with the foreign alumni of BNTU and recruiting agencies on the issues of advertising BNTU educational services abroad and attracting foreign citizens to study at the university; 
  • the cooperation with embassies and consulates of the Republic of Belarus abroad, the diplomatic representatives of foreign states in the Republic of Belarus on the issues of education and stay of foreign citizens;
  • the research of the foreign market needs for the specialists in the areas of BNTU training; the long-term planning of the admission of foreign citizens to study at BNTU;
  • the consideration and registration of the documents of foreign applicants for admission to BNTU;
  • the registration of the invitations for the purpose of obtaining a study visa to enter the Republic of Belarus and coordinating with the Office of Citizenship and Migration;
  • the meeting of the foreign applicants at the airport, setting in BNTU halls of residence, the documents preparation process, health insurance;
  • the signing of the contracts for training with foreign citizens;
  • the organization of the enrollment of foreign citizens entering to BNTU for training in the educational programs of higher education;
  • the cooperation with departments of the university on the admission and enrollment of foreign citizens;
  • the registration of diplomas and academic transcripts, the preparation of documents in a foreign language;
  • the preparation and registration of duplicate diplomas and academic transcripts;
  • the confirmation of foreign citizens training (to foreign diplomatic representatives, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, educational departments of foreign countries);
  • the maintenance of the official correspondence and correspondence in social networks concerning admission and training at BNTU;
  • the organization of the medical examination of foreign students in polyclinic 33 in Minsk;
  • carrying out informational and educational activities with foreign students.

Inna V. Khatskevich
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 130, Phone +375 (17) 253-61-19
Aliaksandr A. Sadouski
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 136, Phone +375 (17) 2939617
Veranika I. Liutarevich
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 103, Phone +375 (17) 232-09-61
Natallia I. Sheshlo
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 104, Phone +375 (17) 3471562
Tatiana V. Degtyareva
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 104, Phone +375 (17) 3471562
Maria M. Goz
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 130, Phone +375 (17) 282-74-13
Natallia A. Byteva
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 103, Phone +375 (17) 232-09-61
Anna M. Nogach
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 130, Phone +375 (17) 378-42-02
Darya M. Valynets
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 130, Phone +375 (17) 282-74-13
Alena V. Papova
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 104, Phone +375 (17) 3471562
Xu Jing Xu
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 120 +8615937155333, +375292693777
Krystsina Y. Shapavalova
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 133, Phone +375 (17) 3688101
Darya K. Matananava
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 133, Phone +375 (17) 3688101
Kseniya Y. Kanashevich
Computer's operator International Cooperation Faculty
Nezavisimosty Ave 67 building 1, room 130, Phone +375 (17) 378-42-02
Prasp. Niezaliežnasci 67/1, Minsk, Minsk Region, 220013, Republic of Belarus
Working time
8:15 – 17:30
Faculty contacts
Hot line
+375 (17) 360-91-48
For enquiries about obtaining certificates
+ 375 (17) 378-42-02
On checking into the dormitory
+375 (17) 363-81-94
All contacts
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26 April 2024 11:06
REGULATIONS on holding the Mathematics Olympiad at the Belarusian National Technical University
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