The science


Information letter of the international scientific and technical conference "Information and communication technologies in management, education, science"

IX International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production", November 20-22, 2021

Information Letter of the IX Conference 2021

"Digital technologies and business" Proceedings of the 77th student scientific and technical conference, May 7, 2021

"Information and communication technologies in management, education, science" Proceedings of the international scientific and technical conference, May 19, 2021

VIII International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production" November 21-22, 2020

VII International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production" November 16-17, 2019

VI International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production"

V International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production"

IV International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production"

III International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production"

II International Scientific and Technical Internet Conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science and Production"


Research work

Research work at IIDO is carried out in accordance with the plans of the state budget for research and development departments, under the guidance of doctors of technical sciences, professors Golikov V.F. and Lobatoy A.A. The entire faculty of the institute is involved in the work.

IIDO was the base unit of the BNTU for the functioning of the Council for the defense of dissertations K 02.05.01. The Council was established in accordance with the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus No. 76-c dated 06/07/2010. Council K 05/02/01 - the only one among related councils in these specialties (BNTU, BSU, UIPI, BSUIR) was focused on reviewing dissertations in information technology in industries and engineering.

The Council defended dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences in the following specialties:

  • 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing;
  • 05.13.06 - Automation and control of technological processes and production.

The council included 9 doctors of science (including one academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus) and 3 candidates of science.

During the reporting period from 2011 to 2015, 15 defenses were held (12 - on 05.13.01 and 3 - on 05.13.06).

Influenced by the work of the council By 02.05.01 the number of postgraduate students in the specialties of the council (up to 30 people) increased approximately three times at BNTU, 2 people applied for doctoral studies at BNTU, and the journal "System Analysis and Applied Informatics" included in the list of HAC began to be published. The editorial board includes well-known scientists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Sweden. The journal is included in the list of VAK, RSCI and other international citation systems.

At present, the term of office of Council K 02.05.01 has expired. But work is underway to transform the candidate council into a doctoral one. There are all necessary conditions for this (presence of specialists in BNTU - doctors of sciences, doctoral studies, applicants, etc.).

IIDO annually organizes and holds an international scientific and technical Internet conference (ISTIntK). The chairman of the organizational committee of which is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of BNTU - Kharitonchik Sergey Vasilievich

157 participants took part in the 6th ISTIntK (2018) and made presentations, incl. citizens of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and China. Among the conference participants are undergraduates, graduate students and employees of IIDO.

Conference materials are stored in the repository  of the BNTU Scientific Library.

Republic of Belarus, 220114, Minsk, st. F. Skorina, 25/3, academic building 20, room 508
Working time
8:15 – 17:30
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