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Information technology software
Web technologies and mobile systems software : 6-05-0612-01 Full-time short-time
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6-05-0612-01 Software engineering
Areas of professional activity of a specialist: informatization and automation of production processes, analysis, engineering and reengineering of activities, development, testing, debugging, adaptation and implementation of information systems and technologies, development of tools and systems to support management decisions, implementation of scientific, experimental and design projects works in the field of information systems and technologies.
Graduates of this specialty work in leading IT companies. Positions held: application programmer, system programmer, database developer, economic and accounting software engineer, automated control systems engineer, network and communication software developer, web programmer, web designer, software testing engineer, computer system designer, multimedia developer software, computer games, etc.
The specialty is focused on training highly qualified programmers - developers of applied software. The basis of the specialty is a deep study of modern architecture and software.

Qualifications: Software Engineer
Correspondence budget
20 Correspondence paid
10 Correspondence budget (short-time)
10 Correspondence paid (short-time)
153Correspondence paid
222Correspondence budget (short-time)
168Correspondence paid (short-time)
5 Correspondence budget
35 Correspondence paid
10 Correspondence budget (short-time)
10 Correspondence paid (short-time)
183Correspondence budget
197Correspondence paid
172Correspondence budget (short-time)
133Correspondence paid (short-time)
Term of study:
5 лет (correspondence)
Срок обучения:
4 года (correspondence)
Entrance tests (Full-time): ЦТ или ЦЭ Математика • ЦТ или ЦЭ Физика
Entrance tests (short-time): Экзамен Основы алгоритмизации и программирования (письменно) • Экзамен Охрана труда. Охрана окружающей среды и энергосбережение (письменно)

Economics and management at the enterprise
Economics and legal support of economic activity : 6-05-0311-02 short-time
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6-05-0311-02 Economics and Management

Economics and management is the most universal economic specialty, which makes it possible to master the techniques and methods of effective business and production organization, achieve the best results for enterprises at the lowest cost, and also ensure their strategic effectiveness.

A modern economist-manager is an integrator of the main business processes of large manufacturing enterprises.

Sphere of professional activity: production, economics, management, research and development, innovation and others.

The object of structural professional activity is the production and economic activity of organizations (enterprises) of various national economies, the efficiency of using their functions.

Positions held: Economist, Procurement Economist, Sales Economist, Contractual and Claims Economist, Labor Economist, Planning Economist, Computing Center Economist, Investment Specialist and others.

Specially focused on training specialists in the field of economics and law, management, marketing, finance, investment, accounting, analysis and audit.

Graduates are prepared to work in various departments (sales, supply, marketing, economic analysis, etc.) of organizations.

Qualifications: Economist-manager
5 Correspondence budget (short-time)
10 Correspondence paid (short-time)
214Correspondence budget (short-time)
168Correspondence paid (short-time)
20 Correspondence paid (short-time)
121Correspondence paid (short-time)
Срок обучения:
4 года (correspondence)
Entrance tests (short-time): Экзамен Экономика организации (письменно) • Экзамен Основы менеджмента (письменно)

17 July 2024 21:45
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