Preparatory Department

The purpose of the preparatory department: Preparation of students for the DT on the basis of an educational program aimed at studying the subjects necessary for admission to educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the chosen profile of full-time (correspondence) education on a paid basis.

The Institute of Integrated Forms of Education and Monitoring of Education of the Belarusian National Technical University announces admission of students to the preparatory department

High-quality training at the preparatory department is carried out by highly qualified teachers of BNTU in the following areas:

  • Engineering;
  • Economic;
  • Architectural;
  • Architectural design.

Duration of training: 8 months (October-May).

Nonresident students are provided with a hostel .

Education is carried out on a paid basis and at the expense of the republican budget .

Citizens who have served in the army, who have recommendations from military units for training and an average score of at least 6, in the year of dismissal or the next year have the right to study at the preparatory department  at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets  (clause 1.3 of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 48 February 10, 2020). The target numbers for admission to the preparatory department of the BNTU for the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of the republican budget is 15 people .

Documents to be submitted upon admission to the preparatory department:

  • application for admission to study in the prescribed form;
  • originals of the document on education and annexes to it;
  • originals of certificates of centralized testing conducted in the Republic of Belarus in the year of admission;
  • a certificate of the results of entrance examinations (for persons who have passed entrance examinations in educational institutions and did not pass the competition in the year of admission);
  • a medical certificate on the state of health in the form established by the Ministry of Health, issued by the state healthcare institution at their place of residence (place of stay) or at the place of work (service);
  • documents confirming the listener's right to benefits;
  • 6 photographs 3x4 cm in size;
  • identity document;
  • recommendations of military units, border service bodies for training in educational institutions (for persons from among citizens who have completed military service, served in the reserve and enter in the year of dismissal or in the year following the year of dismissal from military service, service in reserve, in stock).

For more information about the preparatory department and the cost of training, you can get by phone and address:

Acceptance of documents from August 28 to September 25, 2023

Phone : (+375 17) 293-91-60

Address: 220013, Minsk, ave. Independence, 65, 3rd educational building of BNTU, room. 211

Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 8.15-17.30, Friday 8.15-16.15, (13.00-14.00 lunch), Sat-Sun day off.

We are proud of the results of preparing our listeners for the DT!

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