Branch of BNTU "Institute for advanced training and retraining of personnel in new areas of development of engineering, technology and economics" (Branch of the BNTU "IATRP")

Branch of BNTU "Institute for advanced training and retraining of personnel in new areas of development of engineering, technology and economics" (Branch of BNTU "IATRP") was established as an "Intersectoral Institute for advanced training in new areas of development of engineering and technology at the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute" March 31, 1987 year on the basis of a joint order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the BSSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the Ministry of Automotive Industry of the USSR and the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. Since 1989 , IAT and RP has been operating in conditions of self-financing and self-sufficiency. In 2001 - 2004 _ The Institute was directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. In 2004The city of IATRP is included in the structure of the BNTU as a separate structural unit (order of the Ministry of Education No. 129 dated February 10, 2004, order of the BNTU No. 30-P dated May 3, 2004). In 2013 , IATRP acquires the status of a branch of the BNTU (order of the BNTU dated November 6, 2013 No. 1484 “On the renaming of some separate structural divisions of the BNTU”).

The first rector (director) of the Institute for more than 20 years was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kruglik Gennady Sergeevich. Since May 29, 2008, the Institute was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus Reut Oleg Pavlovich. Since October 15, 2021 Denis Alexandrovich Konopatsky has been the director of the institute .

The goal of the Institute is to implement educational programs for retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists at the levels of higher and secondary specialized education (including senior students of universities), professional training in the professions of workers (employees), training courses, as well as conducting fundamental and applied research work within the framework of state programs and economic contracts with enterprises and organizations of the republic. The right to carry out educational activities is regulated by the license of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus No. 02100/381.

A complete list of retraining specialties of the Institute is in the tab Educational programs .

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10 February 2023 11:09
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