International Institute for Distance Education

The intensification of information processes and the acceleration of the dynamics of their development leads to significant changes in modern society. All this poses new challenges for the education system, which should prepare a person for life in a constantly changing information world. The implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the field of creating a promising education system capable of preparing the Belarusian society as a whole and each of its members individually for life in a competitive economy requires a revision of the initial principles for building the education system, the transition from “education for life” to “education for life”. throughout life." The answer to this challenge of the time was the development of new forms of education, not related to separation from the main activity, but at the same time using the achievements of information technology, including distance education. In order to develop the system of distance education in the Republic of Belarus in 2000, the International Institute of Distance Education (MIDO) was established at the Belarusian National Technical University on the basis of the Faculty of Information Technology and Robotics. The Institute is a structural subdivision of the university, which currently has about 500 students, undergraduates and postgraduates.

17 July 2024 21:45
Поступай правильно: статистика и итоги основного этапа подачи документов
Сегодня, 17 июля, в БНТУ завершился прием документов на обучение за счет средств республиканского бюджета и обучение на платной основе на специальности, где необходимо сдавать вступительные испытания. В материале подводим промежуточные итоги приемной кампании БНТУ – 2024.
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