BNTU Summer School: comprehensive education and vivid emotions

Летняя школа БНТУ: комплексное обучение и яркие эмоции

On Monday, July 15, 2024, the Belarusian National Technical University opened its doors to students of the Department of Economics and Industrial Management of the Faculty of Engineering Technologies of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov (TSTU). We share how we got acquainted with the Polytechnic and studied in the first days.

For reference: the BNTU summer/winter school, in addition to academic training, provides a unique experience of getting to know our country, culture, and other students, as well as provides unique opportunities for personal growth.

Anastasia Volkova, Head of the Department of International Programs, Exchanges and Protocol of the Faculty of International Cooperation, delivered a welcoming speech at the solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of the summer school. She spoke about the results of the activities of the Belarusian-Uzbek Interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications, the work on the implementation of the roadmap for cooperation in the field of activity of the advanced engineering school "Digital Engineering" for 2023-2024 between TSTU and BNTU, further prospects for cooperation between BNTU and TSTU.

Anastasia Arabey, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, invited the guests to visit the laboratories of the faculty and asked about the features of the admission campaign in Uzbekistan and the specifics of submitting documents online.

Tatyana Sakhnovich, Head of the Department of Engineering Economics, thanked the administration of TSTU for the warm welcome and internship of the students of the department (December 18-25, 2023). She also expressed her intention to further develop cooperation with the Department of Economics and Industrial Management of the Faculty of Engineering Technologies of TSTU.

In her turn, the senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Industrial Management of TSTU, Matsuda Gaibullaevna Rakhmatova, thanked the management of BNTU for their attention and care, and students Ramazon Togaev and Ulugbek Boybekov conveyed from their parents words of gratitude to the Polytechnic administration for the opportunity to visit Minsk and study in the field of digital economy.

Training sessions for the participants of the summer school were held both at BNTU and at the BNTU “Polytechnic”  Science and Technology Park and even in the High-Tech Park of Belarus. The lecturers were:

  • Head of the Department of Engineering Economics Tatyana Sakhnovich;
  • Marina Tsives, Assistant to the General Director of NTP Polytechnic;
  • Lyubov Mayorova, Head of the Department of Public Information and International Cooperation of the HTP Administration.

During the training, such topics as the functions of the digital economy, its technological foundations, the digital transformation of economic sectors, education and the labor market, financial technologies in the digital economy, etc. were discussed.

Meanwhile, the extensive summer school program includes not only an educational part, but also a cultural one. The participants have already visited JSC BELAZ, the Kurgan of Glory memorial complex, the Museum of Money, as well as the BNTU Museum.

In addition, the participants of the summer school took a bus and walking tour of Minsk, seeing all the sights of the cultural, sports, political and economic center of our country.

As the guests noted, the first week spent in Minsk together with volunteer students of the Department of Engineering Economics at BNTU turned out to be very bright and eventful.

The visit will last until July 25.

Автор материала: инженер кафедры «Инженерная экономика» Кристина Шкаровская

Content available under licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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