Winners of the 2023 Government of the Republic of Belarus Quality Achievement Award

Определены победители конкурса «Лучшая дипломная и научно-исследовательская работа студентов в области менеджмента и контроля качества – 2023»

The 25th Anniversary Ceremony of the Quality Achievement Awards took place on July 17, 2024, at the Palace of the Republic in Minsk. The event was held with special grandeur under the auspices of the Year of Quality.

Seven organizations were honored with the title of laureate for their significant achievements in quality and competitiveness of products, services, or works, as well as for implementing innovative technologies and modern management methods. Additionally, 22 enterprises reaffirmed their previously earned high status.

The awards were presented by Pyotr Aleksandrovich Parkhomchik, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.

As part of the Government of the Republic of Belarus Quality Achievement Award competition, a traditional contest for the "Best Student Thesis and Research Work in Management and Quality Control" has been held since 2007. This initiative is organized by the State Committee for Standardization and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

In his welcoming address, First Deputy Minister of Education Alexander Gennadievich Bakhanochik emphasized that in the modern world, quality education is a fundamental factor for sustainable development and social stability. Our goal is to ensure that knowledge, skills, and competencies meet the demands of society and the economy. Active student participation in these competitions allows gifted and talented young individuals to unlock their potential and implement ideas for the benefit of Belarus. Our database currently includes over 6,000 young talents who have received significant state support. The results of these competitions are practically applied: they are implemented in enterprises across the republic, integrated into programs, create a solid foundation for enhancing the competitiveness of products and services, and promote quality ideas among youth.

The winners of the "Best Student Thesis and Research Work in Management and Quality Control" competition for 2023 have been selected, with four outstanding students from Belarusian universities being recognized.

Among the winners is Kirill Parfenya, a graduate of the Department of Standardization, Metrology, and Information Systems at the Faculty of Instrument Engineering, Belarusian National Technical University (specialty 1-54 01 01 "Metrology, Standardization, and Certification"). He is currently serving in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and was formally dispatched by his unit’s command to receive the award on this significant occasion.

In presenting the awards, Alexander Gennadievich Bakhanochik, alongside Elena Mikhailovna Morgunova, Chairman of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus, highlighted that the topics addressed in the theses and research works of the competition winners are aimed at solving specific, pressing issues in management and quality control across various fields of science and technology.

The First Deputy Minister of Education also noted that the success of the students and graduates is significantly attributed to the contributions of their instructors. The thesis of award winner Kirill Parfenya was supervised by Dr. Pavel Stepanovich Serebnikov, Professor and Head of the Department of Standardization, Metrology, and Information Systems.

The competition organizers wished the students and their instructors new high goals, the realization of their most ambitious plans, and bold ideas.

The Quality Management School at Belarusian National Technical University continues to uphold its traditions and maintains its esteemed reputation!

Автор материала: П. С. Серенков, заведующий кафедрой
«Стандартизация, метрология и информационные системы»

Content available under licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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