The language internship under the CIST BNTU scholarship at Northeastern University was successfully completed

Успешно завершилась языковая стажировка по стипендии ИКНТ в Северо-Восточном университете

From July 3 to July 31, 2024, a language internship of the Confucius Institute for Science and Technology of BNTU was held at Northeastern University (Shenyang, China). The children gained a huge amount of new knowledge and experience: they not only learned the Chinese language and culture, but also became familiar with advanced technological achievements, such as a multifunctional mechanical robot and technologies for manufacturing mobile multifunctional structures from metal waste.

The internship included many master classes. The students learned how to conduct a tea ceremony, learned about the traditional Chinese art of carving, and practiced Tai Chi Chuan, a Chinese system of physical exercises to improve health and harmony of body and soul. In addition, a lesson on traditional Chinese Guohua painting was organized, which uses a brush, ink and paper. The audience learned about this drawing technique and tried to create their own works of art. This helped them to immerse themselves even deeper into the culture of China and enjoy its beauty and uniqueness.

The participants of the internship also visited many excursions in Shenyang: they visited museums, laboratories, as well as the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Northeastern University. The audience learned about how the university was founded, about achievements in scientific research and education. In the laboratories and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, they got acquainted with the latest scientific research and developments that are carried out at the university, learned how these studies can be applied. In the Liaoning Museum of Science and Technology, the students examined the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, exhibits representing various scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology and technology. The water caves in Benxi were another place that the campers visited during their trip. This is a unique natural phenomenon that consists of a system of caves and underground rivers. The students spent several hours exploring this amazing natural landmark and enjoying the beautiful views.

The students were very happy and satisfied with the time they spent. They were able not only to improve their knowledge of the Chinese language, but also to broaden their horizons, learn a lot about culture and technology. The young people returned home with new knowledge and experience that will be useful to them in the future.

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Chinese language and culture, expand your horizons and discover new opportunities – all this will become possible thanks to studying Chinese at the Confucius Institute for Science and Technology of BNTU. Rapid progress in studying Chinese language and culture, support from experienced teachers, an atmosphere of creativity and learning – all this will prepare you for successfully passing the international exam, the certificate of which is necessary for going to the summer camp.

Cross the threshold of new knowledge and skills, open the door to the world of opportunities with the Confucius Institute for Science and Technology of BNTU.

Институт Конфуция по науке и технике БНТУ

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