As of October 12, 2022
Within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, 92 core organizations of the CIS member states have been established in various fields and areas of cooperation. Detailed information about them is included in the "Information on the Core Organizations of the CIS Member States" (attached).
In accordance with the decisions of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CIS, and the Economic Council of the CIS (hereinafter referred to as the CHG, CMFA, and EC, respectively), the status of core organizations, core research institutions, and core training centers of the CIS member states has been conferred upon 89 institutions.
Currently, the Belarusian National Technical University, the state institution "Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan," and the Federal State Budgetary Military Educational Institution of Higher Education "Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force"Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have the status of two core organizations.
The decisions mentioned above were made as follows: in 1997, 1999, 2000, and 2001 – 1 each, in 2003 – 2, in 2004 – 1, in 2005 – 6, in 2006 – 2, in 2007 – 6, in 2008 – 1, in 2009 – 3, in 2010 – 2, in 2011 – 3, in 2012 – 5, in 2013 – 5, in 2014 – 11, in 2015 – 5, in 2016 – 5, in 2017 – 3, in 2018 – 7, in 2019 – 7, in 2020 – 6, in 2021 – 4, and in 2022 – 4.
Questions regarding granting the status of basic organizations were submitted for consideration at meetings of the CIS Council of Heads of State, the CIS Council of Heads of Government, and the CIS Economic Council as follows: the Russian Federation – 9, the Republic of Belarus – 5, CIS sectoral cooperation bodies – 74, and the CIS Executive Committee – 4.
As a result of signing the aforementioned decisions by the CIS Council of Heads of State, the CIS Council of Heads of Government, and the CIS Economic Council, all CIS member states participate in the activities of basic organizations, including: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, and the Russian Federation – in 92, the Republic of Tajikistan – in 91, the Kyrgyz Republic – in 88, the Republic of Kazakhstan – in 87, the Republic of Uzbekistan – in 34, the Republic of Moldova – in 7, Ukraine – in 6, Turkmenistan – in 5, and the Republic of Azerbaijan – in 3.
Main organizations operate in 7 CIS member states, including: 70 in the Russian Federation, 12 in the Republic of Belarus, 4 in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 in the Republic of Tajikistan, and 1 each in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.
Among them are:
In accordance with the Decision of the State Public Prosecutor on the termination of the decisions of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS, which was adopted in working order using the procedure provided for in paragraph 9 of rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Foreign Ministers and the CIS Economic Council, March 4, 2021 During the year, 6 decisions on granting the status of a basic organization of the CIS member states ceased to apply.
In accordance with this Decision, 3 basic organizations of the CIS member states ceased their activities:
in the field of distance and e-learning;
in the field of licensing, certification and accreditation of educational institutions;
on issues of standardization in education.
The other 3 basic organizations continue their activities in accordance with decisions made later:
on training, retraining and advanced training of personnel on labor standards;
on training and retraining of personnel for tax (financial) investigation authorities (with a changed direction of activity - on training of personnel for tax (financial) investigation authorities in educational programs of higher education and additional professional programs);
for the training of metrologists of the armed forces.
In relation to 2 basic organizations, work is underway to resume their activities.
In connection with the liquidation on July 29, 2017 of the State Scientific Institution "State Research Institute for System Analysis of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation", which was given the status of the base organization of the CIS member states for research in the field of state and international financial control, the issue of the possibility of further performance of the functions of the base organization by one of the institutions of the CIS member states.
Due to the fact that the federal state budgetary institution "Center for Expertise and Coordination of Informatization" (Russian Federation), which was given the status of a basic organization for methodological, organizational and technical support of work in the field of information security and training of specialists in this area, ceased to function the base organization, the issue of the possibility of further performance of the functions of the base organization by one of the institutions of the CIS member states is being studied.
In addition, in relation to 1 base organization, procedures are underway to recognize its constituent documents as invalid. The non-profit partnership for the development of transport "International Academy of Transport", which was given the status of the base organization of the CIS member states in the field of scientific and technical support for the development of the transport complex, in practice ceased its activities as a base organization and is currently based on the Decision of the Coordinating Transport Conference of the CIS member states dated November 30, 2019, the necessary procedures are being carried out to invalidate the CST Decision on this base organization.
Activity information 1the base organization is not received. The National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, which, along with the federal state educational institution of higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation", was given the status of a basic organization of the CIS member states for the training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of taxes and taxation, does not inform about its activities as a host organization. The Coordinating Council of Heads of Tax Services of the CIS Member States, which oversees the activities of these base organizations, will have to consider the issue of the activities of the National University of the State Tax Service of Ukraine as a base organization.
Thus, "de facto" within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, 88 out of 92 basic organizations operate.
The activities of the base organizations are carried out in accordance with the provisions approved by the decisions of the SGP, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the EC.
The main activities of the base organizations are :
training, retraining and advanced training of specialists of the CIS member states in various areas of cooperation;
conducting joint scientific research by interested states - members of the CIS;
development of recommendations for harmonization and unification of the regulatory framework, preparation of relevant projects, exchange of regulatory legal acts;
holding international scientific and practical conferences, seminars and symposiums;
preparation of scientific, methodological, information and analytical materials and others.
The management of base organizations is carried out by the heads of institutions that have been given the status of base organizations .
At the base organizations, advisory bodies are created - public councils from representatives of educational institutions, scientific and other organizations recommended by the governing bodies of the CIS member states. Regulations on public councils, regulations and plans for their work are approved by the heads of basic organizations. Under the base organizations, other advisory bodies and working groups may be created.
Financial support for the activities of basic organizations , as a rule, is carried out from funds generated from:
payment by customers for works and services performed under agreements and contracts;
payment for work on training, retraining and advanced training of specialists;
provision of information services;
income from publishing activities;
voluntary contributions and donations from legal entities and individuals in the form of financial and material resources, resources, works and services for joint educational, research and cultural programs and individual events;
receipts from international and national funds;
other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the host country of the host organization.
The activities of the base organizations are carried out in cooperation with the bodies of sectoral cooperation and other bodies of the CIS, the governing bodies of the member states and the Executive Committee of the CIS.
In the past period of 2022, issues on the creation and operation of basic organizations were considered at 2 meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 1 meeting of the EC and 3 meetings of the Commission on Economic Affairs under the EC (hereinafter referred to as the CEC).
At the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held on May 13, the following was adopted:
Decision on the base organization of the CIS member states in the field of notarial activities, according to which the status of the base organization was given to the Belarusian Chamber of Notaries;
The decision on the basic organization of the CIS member states in the field of tourism, according to which the status of the basic organization was given to the International University of Tourism "Silk Road".
At a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, held on October 12, a decision was made on the basic organization of the CIS member states in the field of training military personnel for the air force.
At the meeting of the EC, held on September 23, the Decision on the base organization of the CIS member states for the assessment of healthcare technologies, quality control and financing of medical care was adopted, according to which the status of the base organization was given to the federal state budgetary institution "Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
At the meeting of the CEV, held on January 20, the following issues were considered:
on the activities of the basic organizations of the CIS member states in the economic sphere in 2018–2021;
on the activities of the basic organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for advanced training and retraining of personnel in the field of diagnostics and control of animal diseases of the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Center for Animal Health" (2019–2021).
On the first issue, KEV decided:
1. Approve the Information on the activities of the base organizations of the CIS member states in the economic sphere in 2018-2021 ( attached), prepared by the CIS Executive Committee.
2. To note in general the successful work of the basic organizations of the CIS member states in the economic sphere in the areas enshrined in their statutory documents.
3. To ask the bodies of sectoral cooperation of the CIS:
consider the possibility of intensifying the joint work of the base organizations of the CIS member states with the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies to analyze current problems in the development of the relevant sectors of the economy, as well as to better use the potential of the base organizations - educational institutions in conducting research and preparing recommendations on the development of sectors of the economy of the CIS member states and interstate cooperation;
in the absence of basic organizations of the CIS member states in the field of activity of the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies, consider the expediency of giving such a status to leading scientific and educational organizations in this field.
4. Recommend to the basic organizations of the CIS member states, which are educational institutions, to prepare and send to the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies with which they interact, proposals for organizing interstate industrial practices for students on the basis of advanced specialized enterprises of the CIS member states.
5. Send the specified Information to the bodies of sectoral cooperation and basic organizations of the CIS member states in the economic sphere for use in work and post it on the website of the CIS Executive Committee on the Internet.
On the second issue, the CEV decided:
1. To approve the activities of the base organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for advanced training and retraining of personnel in the field of diagnostics and control of animal diseases of the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Center for Animal Health", set out in the Report prepared by the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in the Field of Veterinary Medicine jointly with the CIS Executive Committee.
2. Send the said Report to the governments of the CIS member states to inform the interested ministries and departments and post it on the website of the CIS Executive Committee on the Internet.
At the meeting of the CEV, held on February 15, the issue of the activities of the base organization of the CIS member states for the training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the chemical industry of the Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev (2019–2021).
Information about the activities of the base organization is taken into account. The base organization is proposed to:
ensure the implementation of educational programs to improve the skills of specialists from leading enterprises in the industry in the CIS member states;
participate in the preparation and implementation of interstate projects and programs aimed at developing the chemical industry in the CIS member states;
focus on fulfilling tasks in accordance with the Regulations on the Basic Organization, approved by the Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS dated July 7, 2016, paying special attention to the systematic study of the situation in the chemical industry and the development of proposals for its development in the CIS member states.
It was decided to post information about the activities of the base organization on the website of the CIS Executive Committee on the Internet.
At the meeting of the CEV, held on March 23, 2022, the issue of the activities of the base organization of the CIS member states for information exchange in the field of ensuring the safety of research nuclear installations of the CIS member states JSC "State Research Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" (2018–2021 years).
Information on the activities of the base organization of the CIS member states on information exchange in the field of ensuring the safety of research nuclear installations of the CIS member states JSC "State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" for 2018–2021, set out in the Report prepared jointly by the base organization with the Commission of the CIS Member States on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes with the participation of the CIS Executive Committee was taken into account.
The host organization is recommended to:
ensure further collection, processing, accumulation and analysis of data on the experience of operating nuclear research facilities of the CIS member states;
continue maintaining an automated information system on the experience of operating nuclear research installations and regular issuance of thematic bulletins;
analyze and improve recommendations aimed at preventing violations of the safe operation of research nuclear installations of the CIS member states.
It was decided to place the report on the activities of the base organization on the website of the CIS Executive Committee on the Internet.
At the meeting of the CEV, held on June 22, the issue of the basic organization of the CIS member states for the assessment of health technologies, quality control and financing of medical care was considered.
The meeting participants approved the draft Regulations on the base organization, the draft EC Decision on this issue and decided to submit these draft documents for consideration by the EC.
The bodies of sectoral cooperation of the CIS exercise constant control over the activities of the base organizations.
In 2017, at the meetings of the CIS industry cooperation bodies, 20 issues on the activities of basic organizations were considered, in 2018 - 18 , in 2019 - 35 , in 2020 - 20 , in 2021 - 34.
In 2022, issues on the activities of the base organizations were considered at 14 meetings (sessions) of the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies.
At a meeting of the Coordinating Council of Heads of Tax (Financial) Investigation Authorities of the CIS Member States, held in absentia format on December 6, 2021 - January 13, 2022, the issue of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for tax (financial) investigation authorities of the Member States was considered CIS. It was decided to take into account the information of the Secretariat of the Coordinating Council, the CIS Executive Committee,
The heads of base organizations were invited to consider the possibility of holding scientific and practical conferences (seminars) in 2022-2023 with the participation of members of the Coordinating Council (their representatives) and inform the Secretariat of the Coordinating Council about this.
At the meeting of the Commission of the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, held on January 26, the following were approved:
Report on the activities of the open joint-stock company "State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors" (Russian Federation) - the base organization of the CIS member states for information exchange in the field of ensuring the safety of research nuclear installations for 2018-2021, which was decided to be sent to the Executive CIS committee for further consideration in due course.
Report on the activities of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "National Research Nuclear University" MEPhI "- the base organization of the CIS member states for the training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes for the CIS member states for 2021 ;
Information on the activity plans of TVEL Joint-Stock Company (Russian Federation) - the base organization of the CIS member states on the management of spent nuclear fuel, radioactive waste and decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities for 2022–2025.
At a meeting of the Interstate Council for Exhibition, Fair and Congress Activities of the CIS, held on April 19, among the main tasks in 2022, the need for training and advanced training of specialists, as well as determining the basic organization in the field of exhibition, fair and congress activities was noted.
At the meeting, an Agreement on Cooperation was signed between the Interstate Council for Exhibition, Fair and Congress Activities of the CIS and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Linguistic University" - the base organization of the CIS member states for the languages and culture of the CIS member states.
At a meeting of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS Member States, held on May 25, the issue of the results of activities in 2021 and the work in 2022 of the basic organizations of the CIS member states for working with youth and developing youth entrepreneurship was considered.
The active work of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MIREA - Russian Technological University" (hereinafter - RTU MIREA) as the base organization of the CIS member states for working with youth was noted , the initiative of RTU MIREA to hold Commonwealth Youth eSports Games was supported, and a request was made to RTU MIREA to develop the relevant Regulations for consideration at the next meeting of the Council.
The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for Assistance to Young Professionals" (hereinafter - FSBI "TSMS") was proposed to intensify the activities of FSBI "TSMS" as the base organization of the CIS member states for the development of youth entrepreneurship, including:
maintain constant working contacts with responsible officials of the CIS member states in the direction of the activity of the base organization;
regularly organize meetings of the Public Council of the base organization of the CIS member states for the development of youth entrepreneurship;
create a thematic section on the website of the FSBI "CSMC" reflecting the activities of the FSBI "CSMC" as the basic organization of the CIS member states for the development of youth entrepreneurship;
to consider the possibility of preparing and sending annually to the CIS member states an analytical note on the development of youth entrepreneurship.
At a meeting of the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General of the CIS Member States, held on June 24, the issue of information from the heads of the state institution "Academy of Law Enforcement Agencies under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" on the activities of basic organizations on training, retraining and advanced training of employees of prosecution bodies in 2021.
The information has been taken into account. The secretariat of the Coordinating Council, together with the Prosecutor General's offices, was instructed to ensure effective interaction with basic organizations, especially on the use of modern achievements in science and technology in prosecutorial and other law enforcement activities. It was proposed to the heads of the said Academy and the University:
organize a mutual exchange of publications and experience of their activities as basic organizations, including work plans, training programs and methodological materials;
prepare information on the activities of the base organizations in 2022, including proposals for improving these activities, for consideration at the next meeting of the Coordinating Council.
At the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Justice of the CIS member states, held on June 30, the Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Notaries, the basic organization of the CIS member states in the field of notarial activities, Borisenko N.V. with proposals for organizing the work of the base organization.
At a meeting of the Interstate Council on Legal Protection and Protection of Intellectual Property, held on August 30, it was decided to approve the Report on the activities of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian State Academy of Intellectual Property" - the base organization of the CIS member states for training, professional retraining and qualification of personnel in the field of intellectual property and send it to the CIS Executive Committee for consideration in the prescribed manner.
At a meeting of the Council for Cultural Cooperation of the CIS Member States on September 8, the written information of the CIS Executive Committee on the activities of 6 basic organizations of the CIS Member States in the field of culture in 2021 was taken into account.
At a meeting of the Consultative Council of the Heads of State (Executive) Authorities that manage state material reserves in the CIS member states, held on September 14, the Report on the activities of the base organization of the CIS member states in the field of scientific and technical development of state material reserves systems, organization of retraining and advanced training of personnel - the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Research Institute for Storage Problems" of the Federal Agency for State Reserves (NIIPKh Rosrezerva) in 2018–2022. The report was sent to the CIS Executive Committee for consideration in the prescribed manner.
At a meeting of the Council for Cooperation in the field of healthcare of the CIS, held on September 23, questions were considered on the activities of 4 basic organizations of the CIS member states in the field of healthcare
and 2 questions prepared by basic organizations in their areas of activity.
At a meeting of the Council for Physical Culture and Sports of the participants in the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports of the CIS Member States, held on September 23, the issue of the activities of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism" was discussed (SCOLIFK)" - the base organization of the CIS member states in the field of physical culture
and sports.
At a meeting of the Tourism Council of the CIS Member States, held on September 28, the issue of implementing the Decision of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the CIS dated May 13, 2022 "On the basic organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of tourism" was considered, within which information was heard on the performance by the International University of Tourism "Silk Road" of the functions of the basic organization of the CIS member states in the field of tourism.
The meeting participants outlined measures aimed at creating a Public Council of the base organization and organizing interaction between scientific and pedagogical organizations of the CIS member states in its areas of activity.
At a meeting of the Council for Cooperation in the Field of Education of the CIS Member States, held on October 4, information was heard on the state and prospects for the development of basic organizations of the CIS Member States in higher technical education and training in the field of public administration, a positive assessment was given of activities as basic organizations of the CIS member states of the educational institution "Belarusian National Technical University" and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation", proposals and promising projects of basic organizations were approved, they were given appropriate recommendations.
At a meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Heads of Tax Services of the CIS Member States, held on October 7, information was approved on the activities of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" - the base organization of the CIS Member States for training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in the field of taxes and taxation, which is recommended to intensify activities on academic mobility in the field of training employees of tax authorities, as well as to organize and conduct:
seminar on the application of tax regimes for small businesses (until May 1, 2023);
conference on the development of electronic document management in the CIS member states (as part of the annual International Tax Week).
At the meeting of the Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in Construction Activities, held on October 7, information on the following issues was considered:
on improving the efficiency of the work of the Intergovernmental Council and specialized base organizations, the prospects for the development of interstate documents in the field of construction;
on the work of the joint-stock company "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture" (Republic of Kazakhstan) - the basic organization of the CIS member states in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
on the work of the Federal Autonomous Institution "Federal Center for Regulation, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction" (Russian Federation) - the base organization of the CIS member states on the problems of technical regulation in the construction industry.
According to information received from the CIS sectoral cooperation bodies, the vast majority of basic organizations work effectively, make a significant contribution to the development and strengthening of cooperation in various fields.
Organizational Department of the CIS Executive Committee
Detailed information on the official Internet portal of the CIS