Staff Positions: Encompasses administrative, managerial, and support staff roles.

Job title Subdivision Requirements Approximate
opening date
Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment Department of the Chief Power Engineer, tel. 293-96-62 

Vocational Education

950 rub. 02/12/2024

Higher technical education, work experience required

from 1000 to 1200 rub. 02/12/2024


 FTC, department “GiAKGT” Tel. 8029-682-75-80

Higher technical education. Knowledge of surveying instruments and experience

700 rub.

Deputy Head of the Preparatory Department

Faculty of International Cooperation   

tel. 256-35-41

Higher education

from 1200 to 1500 rub. 02/12/2024

Administrative and economic service tel. 293-93-84, 293-91-06 

700 rub.

Lead Librarian

 Scientific library, tel. 290-98-79, 292-75-65

Higher education 720 rub. 02/12/2024

Higher education

700 rub.

Higher education

700 rub.
Software Engineer

Higher education

from 860 RUR
Information security engineer

Tel. 8029-779-91-23 Alexander Vladimirovich

Higher professional education (technical). experience

1800 rub.

Head of practice

Educational and methodological department of TsRIOi OUP tel.248-76-73

Higher education, work experience in positions of pedagogical, scientific workers, positions of managers or specialists, whose work corresponds to the area of ​​activity of BNTU, for at least 3 years.

from 1300 rub. 04/04/2024

Leading scientific editor

 Editorial and Publishing Department Tel. 293-91-81

Higher specialized education

700 rub. 02/12/2024

Computer's operator

Vocational Education

750 rub.

Deputy Head of the Department of Production Preparation, Procurement and Procurement

Capital Construction Department, tel. 331-15-44, 293-96-26

Higher education in construction or economics. Experience working in procurement commissions, on trading platforms,

from 2000 to 2200 rub. 02/12/2024

Capital Construction Department Tel. 331-15-44, 293-96-26 

Higher construction education. Availability of qualification certificates: technical. supervision (general construction); technical supervision (in the field of heat supply, water supply and sewerage, installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems): technical. supervision (gas supply); those. supervision (in the field of electricity supply, power electrical equipment and electric lighting)

1600 rub.


Higher education in construction or economics. Experience in construction, concluding and maintaining construction contracts, preparing reports in construction, experience working with institute projects, confident PC user.

1600 rub.


Nutrition Center, tel. 357-70-64, 292-83-76

Vocational Education 900 rub. 12.2.2024
Confectioner 4-5 rub.
900 rub.



Institute of Integrated Forms of Learning and Education Monitoring, tel. 293-91-60, 290-23-81 Higher technical education from 626 - 700 rub. 02/12/2024
Educational psychologist Department of Educational Work with Youth, tel. 293-93-28 Higher education in Psychology or Practical Psychology from 1000-1100 rub. 02/12/2024
Social teacher Higher education corresponding to teaching activities from 1000-1100 rub. 02/12/2024
Methodist Higher pedagogical education from 900 -1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Engineer Department “Electrical engineering and electronics” РEF tel. 363-71-93 

Higher technical education

626 - 700 rub. 02/12/2024
Engineer Department “Heat and gas supply and ventilation” FEC, tel. 293-93-52, 379-76-22 Higher technical education 626-700 rub. 02/12/2024
Painter 3-5 r. Repair and Construction Department, tel. 293-96-04, 292-96-05, tel. 293-96-25 Prof. - technical education 1100 rub. 02/12/2024
Worker for complex maintenance of buildings and structures Sports and Technical Faculty, tel. 364-75-23    626 -680 rub. 02/12/2024
Educator Campus, tel. 255-08-01

Higher or (specialized) education relevant to pedagogical activity from 800-1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Teacher-organizer Higher or (specialized) education relevant to pedagogical activity from 800 - 1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Physical education instructor Higher education from 800 - 1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Passportist Any from 700 - 750 rub. 02/12/2024
Dormitory duty officer   Any from 1000 - 1200 rub. 02/12/2024
Engineer Security service, tel. 301-10-53  Higher technical education from 700 - 750 rub. 02/12/2024
Security guard Any 1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Engineer  Capital Construction Department, tel. 331-15-44, 293-96-26 Higher education in construction, availability of a technical qualification certificate. supervision of general construction  from 1200 rub. 02/12/2024
Master of industrial training in driving a motor vehicle Military Technical Faculty, tel. 292-57-82, 8029-636-76-95 Higher or secondary specialized education. Driving license cat. B, C from 1500 rub. 02/12/2024
Master of Industrial Training Military Technical Faculty, tel. 292-57-82, 8025-937-77-04 Higher education (specialized secondary education) corresponding to teaching activities or retraining in the specialty "Pedagogy" from 800 rub. 02/12/2024
Electric gas welder 3-5 r. Chief Mechanic Department, tel. 293-91-33, 293-95-83 Vocational and technical education, work experience, possession of an electric and gas welder’s certificate and a fire-technical
minimum certificate for carrying out hot work)
1200 rub. 02/12/2024
Mechanic for repair and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems 4-5 r. Chief Mechanic Department tel. 293-91-33, 293-95-83 Prof.-techn. education 870 - 1000 rub. 02/12/2024
Plumber 4-5 r. Chief Mechanic Department, tel. 293-91-33, 293-95-83 Prof.-techn. education, training courses 870 - 1300 rub. 02/12/2024
Instrumentation and automation mechanic 4-5 r. Chief Mechanic Department, tel. 293-91-33, 293-95-83 Prof.-techn. education 870 - 1000 rub. 02/12/2024

Car driver

Car (bus) driver

Garage, tel. 292-85-07, 293-91-61  driver's license "B" "C" and "D" from 1200 - 1300 rub. 02/12/2024
Car repair mechanic Garage, tel. 292-85-07, 293-91-61 Prof.-techn. education from 650 - 700 rub. 02/12/2024
Head of preparatory courses BNTU Lyceum, tel. 374-06-30 Higher pedagogical education from 800 to 900 rub. 02/12/2024
Cleaner BNTU Lyceum, tel. 374-06-30 650 rub. 02/12/2024

Nurse massage therapist


Student sanatorium-preventorium “Polytechnic”, tel. 510-25-41 Specialized secondary 700 rub. 02/12/2024



Student sanatorium-preventorium “Polytechnic”, tel. 510-25-41

700 RUR


Plumber 3-4 categories

Student sanatorium-preventorium “Polytechnic”, tel. 510-25-41

800 rub.
