19 April 2019 21:00
БНТУ на Московском международном салоне образования
Состоялась встреча с представителями высших учебных заведений Российской Федерации. Проведены переговоры с представителем Московского Политеха о возможности обмена студентами технических специальностей между БНТУ и Московским Политехом.
19 April 2019 18:00
Live and learn
International cooperation department and law enforcement authorities held a meeting with foreign students. All the important topics discussed!
3 April 2019 15:00
"Belt and road". To be continued
In the summer of 2018, the Beijing Institute of technology hosted more than 100 young people from 12 countries under the international exchange program "Beltandroadstudentsummer-campBeijing". Among them were the students of the BNTU. And March 28, 2019…
27 March 2019 17:00
Carlo Branzaglia visits Technopark
Yesterday - sunny Italy, today - hospitable Belarus. Famous architect, specialist in the sphere of strategic design, scientific coordinator of postgraduate education at the European Institute of Design in Milan, head of the Department of Design and Applied Art of the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna - Carlo Branzaglia shared his experience with students.
25 March 2019 11:00
Clean-up events have started
Let's make our world a better place to live! All volunteers cheerfully cleaned areas in the neighborhood of Zelyony Lug on the Logoisk road, the streets of Gamarnik and Miroshnichenko.
25 March 2019 8:00
Встреча с депутатом
В общежитии №9 состоялась встреча студенческого актива энергетического факультета с Александром Бахановичем…