
Dear employers!

Our students receive training in the following specialties:

I stage of higher education:

  • 1-25 01 07 "Economics and management at the enterprise";
  • 1-40 01 01 "Information technology software";
  • 1-40 05 01 "Information systems and technologies" (by directions)
  • 1-53 01 02 "Automated information processing systems";

II stage of higher education:

  • 1-27 80 01 "Engineering business";
  • 1-40 80 02 "System analysis, management and information processing";
  • 1-53 80 01 "Automation".


The name of the organization, representative office, branch,
separate structural unit.
Contact phone numbers
CJSC "BSB Bank", tel. (8017) 306-20-40
IOOO "MIATON", tel. 8(017)328-15-60, 8(017) 328-15-66
Private trade unitary enterprise "AlBakh", tel. 8(029) 5577970
Holding "Geoinformation control systems", OJSC "Agat-electromechanical plant", tel. (8-10-375-17) 2676080
JSC "Belkompleksproekt", tel. (017) 2934400
JSC Savushkin Product, tel. (80162) 47 06 24
DelizGroup LLC, tel. 8(029)3456230, 8(033)6080137
Educational Establishment Krasnoberezhsky State Agrarian College, tel. (02334) 99 1 47. (02334) 99 9 11
Solutech PRO LLC, tel. (375-17)268-48-35
OJSC “MISOM OP”, tel. (017) 226 30 94, 224 43 78
Light Well Organization LLC, tel. +375 17 334 16 00, +375 17 286 81 32
Joint Belarusian-Russian Open Joint Stock Company "BELGAZPROMBANK", tel. (+375 17) 229 16 16
State scientific technical institution "Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety", tel. (+375 17) 316-02-96
Educational Establishment Krasnoberezhsky State Agrarian College, tel. (02334) 99 1 47. (02334) 99 9 11
FLLC "EPAM Systems", tel. (017)389-0100, (017)210-1662
Institution Research Institute of Fire Safety and Emergency Problems, tel. (017) 246 43 99
Private research and production unitary enterprise "Spriteks", tel. (017) 331-39-78
JSC "AGAT-control systems" - managing company of the holding "Geoinformation control systems", tel. +375 17 267 44 55
LLC "T4R", tel. +375 29 367-50-05
Republican unitary enterprise "BELSUDEKSPERTOBESPECHANIE", tel. +375 17 296 69 25
Medindustria Service LLC, tel. + 375 17 543 19 21
BPS-Sberbank OJSC, tel. + 375 (17) 289 41 48
LLC "Idea Doma", tel. + 375 (17) 256 16 05
OOO LR Group Limited
Alliance-Tornado LLC, tel. +375291376008
IP Shcherbakova A.V., tel. 8(029)689 13 45
OOO REKOLTE, tel. +375 017 306 35 69
BelKomData-engineering LLC, tel. +37517 286 69 61, 286-66-73
PES HE Development Center LLC, +375 17 39476 93, + 375 29 128 98 10
NetCrackerBel LLC, (017) 388 43 89/90/91/92
State Scientific Institution "Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", +375 (17) 357-67-94
Triovist LLC, tel. +375 (44) 771 75 88
Alfa-Bank CJSC, tel.198, tel.+375 (44.29.25) 733 33 32
ODO "Autobel Expertiza", tel. 213-14-69, tel. 80296131468, tel. 80298639583
Avtopromsnab-spedition LLC, tel. +375(17)5005666
Betor Group LLC, tel. +375 17 2356133
PUE "Avtobel", tel. 213-14-69, tel. 8029 613-14-68

Any information of interest can be clarified by calling the dean's office of MIDO: +375 (17) 266-26-58

Republic of Belarus, 220114, Minsk, st. F. Skorina, 25/3, academic building 20, room 508
Working time
8:15 – 17:30
Faculty contacts
Hot line
+375 (17) 248-26-58
For enquiries about obtaining certificates
+375 (17) 248-26-58
On checking into the dormitory
+375 (17) 248-26-58
All contacts
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26 April 2024 11:06
REGULATIONS on holding the Mathematics Olympiad at the Belarusian National Technical University
The Mathematics Olympiad at BNTU in 2024 is held on the basis of the “Higher Mathematics” department of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Robotics on the basis of the order of the BNTU Rector to hold the Mathematics Olympiad. The general management of the organization and conduct of the Olympiad is carried out by the head of the Department of Higher Mathematics. The purpose of the Olympiad: to activate creative abilities, stimulate students’ activity in studying mathematics, create a student team to participate in republican and international olympiads in mathematics, exchange of experience on methods of teaching mathematics, identification of students capable of engaging in research activities.
27 November 2023 8:18
Conversation club: Let's speak Russian!
The main goal of the conversation club is communication in Russian. In an informal setting you will be able to: Diversify your language learning Improve your speaking skills Have fun and useful time.
Кафедра белорусского и русского языков
19 June 2023 15:47
Testing in Russian as a foreign language and Belarusian as a foreign language
The State Educational Establishment «Republican Institute of Higher Education» informs that foreign citizens can pass certification testing in Russian as a foreign language and Belarusian as a foreign language.
Факультет международного сотрудничества
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